
Showing posts from February, 2020


RC20191252 UTTARAKHAND FOREST GUARD 16-02-2020 MORNING SHIFT PART-1  Quiz Online+ Offline Quiz Before attempting, carefully read  the question text. Then choose the correct answer . Click on “Next” to go to the next question. Use the “Next” and “Previous” buttons to navigate between questions. Bookmark difficult questions to return to them later. Click the “Submit All” button to check your answers. Use the Question List in the upper left corner to view and jump to a certain question. You get 1 mark for every correct answer. Negative marking is -0.25 for incorrect answer. Total Questions- 50 Passing marks- 30 BEST OF LUCK!!!!!!!!! FOR PHONE USERS USE FIRE FOX BROWSER DOWNLOAD LINK FOR OFFLINE TEST DOWNLOAD LINK FOR ONLINE TEST DOWNLOAD LINK FOR ANDROID APP TEST VIDEO SOLUTION FOR THIS TEST- COMING SOON CLICK TO JOIN JOIN OUR TELEGRAM CHANNEL FOR ALL APP LINKS AND DOWNLOADS REHAL’S CLASSES An Eminent Coaching Centre for COMPETI

RC20191251-UK JUDICIAL-2008-Quiz Online+ Offline Quiz

RC20191251 UK JUDICIAL-2008  Quiz Online+ Offline Quiz Before attempting, carefully read  the question text. Then choose the correct answer . Click on “Next” to go to the next question. Use the “Next” and “Previous” buttons to navigate between questions. Bookmark difficult questions to return to them later. Click the “Submit All” button to check your answers. Use the Question List in the upper left corner to view and jump to a certain question. You get 1 mark for every correct answer. Negative marking is -0.25 for incorrect answer. Total Questions- 50 Passing marks- 30 BEST OF LUCK!!!!!!!!! FOR PHONE USERS USE FIRE FOX BROWSER DOWNLOAD LINK FOR OFFLINE TEST DOWNLOAD LINK FOR ONLINE TEST DOWNLOAD LINK FOR ANDROID APP TEST VIDEO SOLUTION FOR THIS TEST- COMING SOON CLICK TO JOIN JOIN OUR TELEGRAM CHANNEL FOR ALL APP LINKS AND DOWNLOADS REHAL’S CLASSES An Eminent Coaching Centre for COMPETITION ACADEMIC COMPUTER New Batches

RC20191250 UK JUDICIAL-2008

RC20191250 UK JUDICIAL-2008  Quiz Online+ Offline Quiz Before attempting, carefully read  the question text. Then choose the correct answer . Click on “Next” to go to the next question. Use the “Next” and “Previous” buttons to navigate between questions. Bookmark difficult questions to return to them later. Click the “Submit All” button to check your answers. Use the Question List in the upper left corner to view and jump to a certain question. You get 1 mark for every correct answer. Negative marking is -0.25 for incorrect answer. Total Questions- 50 Passing marks- 30 BEST OF LUCK!!!!!!!!! FOR PHONE USERS USE FIRE FOX BROWSER DOWNLOAD LINK FOR OFFLINE TEST DOWNLOAD LINK FOR ONLINE TEST DOWNLOAD LINK FOR ANDROID APP TEST VIDEO SOLUTION FOR THIS TEST- COMING SOON CLICK TO JOIN JOIN OUR TELEGRAM CHANNEL FOR ALL APP LINKS AND DOWNLOADS REHAL’S CLASSES An Eminent Coaching Centre for COMPETITION ACADEMIC COMPUTER New Batches




RC20191249  Quiz Online+ Offline Quiz Before attempting, carefully read  the question text. Then choose the correct answer . Click on “Next” to go to the next question. Use the “Next” and “Previous” buttons to navigate between questions. Bookmark difficult questions to return to them later. Click the “Submit All” button to check your answers. Use the Question List in the upper left corner to view and jump to a certain question. You get 1 mark for every correct answer. Negative marking is -0.25 for incorrect answer. Total Questions- 50 Passing marks- 30 BEST OF LUCK!!!!!!!!! FOR PHONE USERS USE FIRE FOX BROWSER DOWNLOAD LINK FOR OFFLINE TEST DOWNLOAD LINK FOR ONLINE TEST DOWNLOAD LINK FOR ANDROID APP TEST VIDEO SOLUTION FOR THIS TEST- COMING SOON CLICK TO JOIN JOIN OUR TELEGRAM CHANNEL FOR ALL APP LINKS AND DOWNLOADS REHAL’S CLASSES An Eminent Coaching Centre for COMPETITION ACADEMIC COMPUTER New Batches Starts for SSC

RC20191248-Quiz Online+ Offline Quiz

RC20191248  Quiz Online+ Offline Quiz Before attempting, carefully read  the question text. Then choose the correct answer . Click on “Next” to go to the next question. Use the “Next” and “Previous” buttons to navigate between questions. Bookmark difficult questions to return to them later. Click the “Submit All” button to check your answers. Use the Question List in the upper left corner to view and jump to a certain question. You get 1 mark for every correct answer. Negative marking is -0.25 for incorrect answer. Total Questions- 50 Passing marks- 30 BEST OF LUCK!!!!!!!!! FOR PHONE USERS USE FIRE FOX BROWSER DOWNLOAD LINK FOR OFFLINE TEST DOWNLOAD LINK FOR ONLINE TEST DOWNLOAD LINK FOR ANDROID APP TEST VIDEO SOLUTION FOR THIS TEST- COMING SOON CLICK TO JOIN JOIN OUR TELEGRAM CHANNEL FOR ALL APP LINKS AND DOWNLOADS REHAL’S CLASSES An Eminent Coaching Centre for COMPETITION ACADEMIC COMPUTER New Batches Starts for SSC




RC20191247  Quiz Online+ Offline Quiz Before attempting, carefully read  the question text. Then choose the correct answer . Click on “Next” to go to the next question. Use the “Next” and “Previous” buttons to navigate between questions. Bookmark difficult questions to return to them later. Click the “Submit All” button to check your answers. Use the Question List in the upper left corner to view and jump to a certain question. You get 1 mark for every correct answer. Negative marking is -0.25 for incorrect answer. Total Questions- 50 Passing marks- 30 BEST OF LUCK!!!!!!!!! FOR PHONE USERS USE FIRE FOX BROWSER DOWNLOAD LINK FOR OFFLINE TEST DOWNLOAD LINK FOR ONLINE TEST DOWNLOAD LINK FOR ANDROID APP TEST VIDEO SOLUTION FOR THIS TEST- COMING SOON CLICK TO JOIN JOIN OUR TELEGRAM CHANNEL FOR ALL APP LINKS AND DOWNLOADS REHAL’S CLASSES An Eminent Coaching Centre for COMPETITION ACADEMIC COMPUTER New Batches Starts for SSC

उत्तराखंड के व्यक्तियों के उपनाम से सम्बंधित प्रश्न

उत्तराखंड के व्यक्तियों के उपनाम से सम्बंधित प्रश्न SUBNAMES OF UTTARAKHAND PERSONALITIES 1. हिमालय पुत्र के नाम से प्रसिद्ध है? (A) नैन सिंह रावत  (B) कर्णावती  (C) शिवप्रसाद  (D) गोविन्द वल्लभ पन्त 2. गर्वभंजक के नाम से प्रसिद्ध है? (A) जिम कार्बेट (B) बद्रीदत्त पांडे  (C)माधोसिंह भंडारी  (D) विश्वेश्वर दत्त सकलानी 3. सरला बेन के नाम से जानी जाती है? (A) कर्णावती  (B) ठगुली देवी  (C)जिया रानी  (D) कैथरीन हैलीमन 4. उत्तराखंड का आजाद किसे कहते है? (A) मुकुन्दराम बडथ्वाल (B) श्रीधर किमोठी  (C) सुमित्रानन्द पन्त (D) नारायण दत्त तिवारी  5. हिम पुत्र के नाम से जाना जाता है? (A) गोविन्द बल्लभ पन्त  (B) हेमवती नंदन बहुगुणा  (C) सुमित्रानन्द पन्त  (D) नारयण दत्त तिवारी  6.        शिवानी के नाम से जाना जाता है ? (A) हर्ष देव जोशी   (B) आइरिन पन्त      (C) कर्णावती        (D) गौरा पन्त      7.        उत्तराखंड का गांधी किसे कहते है ? (A) इन्द्रमणि बडोनी   (B) शिवप्र